The Software Choice - (lesson 1.7)

The Software Choice

Until recently the only software choice open to a PC user was witch version of MS-DOS (PC-DOS)to run ! MS-DOS was defanged to work with the 8088/86 and is subject to the well know 648 Kbyte limit on memory . in addition all the programs that run under MS-DOS were written for the 8088/86 As has already been mentioned  the 286 and the 386 can pretend to be high speed version of the 8080/8086 and as such can quite happily run MS-DOS and all the  programs that run under it. if all you want to do is run MS-DOS and MS-DOS performance is processes clock speed and in this case you could do just as well with a 286 system with a fast enough clock. However there are still reasons to prefer a 386 based system and these are concerned with its use of memory.

Memory Manege meant

Even if you intend to say with MS-DOS you can still benefit form a 386 machine br adding a memory manager such as from QEMM or 386MAX or by using EMM386 which is included with MS-DOS 5.The 386 has the ability to rearrange the layout of memory in a machine memory manager can make use of this  ability to move parts of MS-DOS such as network drives etc. out of the usual 640 Kbyte area and so increase the proportion of it that is available to applications programs. This is usually referred to as making use of upper memory blocks(or UMBs) which are discussed in more detail later.

Expended Memory

Expended memory is a type of memory used by order MS-DOS programs needing to use more than 640 Kbyte In non 386 based machine expended memory has to be implemented expanded memory using nothing but software. you can by utilis that do nothing but crate expanded memory-so called Limulators but in  a full 386 memory manger of the type described in the previous situation.

DOS Extenders
Some software Louts 1-2-3 Release 3 being the best known, makes better use of the 386 boys  by incorporating DOS extenders. in this case you can only run the application on a 286 or 386 under MS-DOS but the application has access to all of the memory installed on the machine. In other Words DOS extenders are nothing more than a way around the 640KByte limit.
To get the best out the 386 the is no doubt that you have to move to something beyond MS-DOS.There are varies alternatives some  of witch don't involve a complete abandonment of MS-DOS.

DOS multi-taskers

A DOS multi tracker makes use  of the 386's ability look like more than one complete 8088/86 system run multiples copies of MS-DOS and application. The Best know does  multi tracker are windows 3 and DESK view. both will allow you to run multiple DOS application and switch between them but window 3 goes some what further it also supporters its own type of application that isn't limited by the 640kbyte  barrier.In this sense Windows 3 is hallway to binging a completely new operating system that replaces MS-DOS.

 New operating system

The most attractive solutions from the technical point of view at least is to get rid or MS-DOS and all its limitation and starts again with a more appropriate operating system.this is exactly what Microsoft and IBM intended to happen when they designed OS/2 but for various reasons the first versions of OS/2 were eclipsed by windows 3.only IBM is currently making any effort to develop OS/2 as a challenged to windows 3.OS/2 version 2 was written specifically for the 386 and it will run MS-Dos windows and OS/2 application on a nearly acaule footing Microsoft have more or lees abandoned OS/2 to develop windows NT which is completely new operating system that will run MS-DOS and windows application on a 386 and perhaps even on other  type of prosper. so at the time of writing the composition is between windows 3.1 and OS/2 Version 2 but in the  longer term the battle line -up will changed to be Windows NT versus OS/2.
